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Welcomed to Asian-American Soldiers Memorial Hall. www. AASoldiersMemorialHall.Org is the first non-profit website dedicated to the fallen US Military Service Members of Asian-American and Pacific-Islander descents. This website intends to promote the pride of Asian-Americans and Pacific-Islanders who have served in the US military and enhance their sense of identity with the US military.
This website does not intend to be all-inclusive of every and each fallen American Soldiers of Asian-American and Pacific-Islanders descents, which is a very challenging, if not impossible, mission. Only those who are representational or have higher media attention are placed on this website. If you intends to place a certain fallen US military service member on this website, please feel free to send an email with the basic information to the website administrator listed on the Contact page. The website is under continuous construction and if you see no entry under a link, that means we need your help by sending information to us.